Zatopić Wolność



It’s never your enemies who get you into trouble: it’s your friends.

To nie wrogowie wpędzają cię w kłopoty, lecz twoi przyjaciele


Film w linku powyżej przedstawia rodzinę Valenti – Jacka, Mary Margaret i młodą Courtenay – podczas wizyty na ranczo LBJ w Stonewall w Teksasie, we wrześniu 1966 roku. Mathilde i Arthur Krim są obecni na imprezie. Po odpoczynku przy basenie prezydent Lyndon B. Johnson zabiera grupę na przejażdżkę po posiadłości. Jack Valenti pracował wówczas w Białym Domu Johnsona, nadzorując relacje między Gabinetem Owalnym, a republikańskim przywództwem Kongresu. On i jego żona Mary Margaret byli długoletnimi przyjaciółmi Johnsonów. Mary Margaret Valenti pracowała, jako sekretarka Lyndona Johnsona w latach 1954-1962 podczas, gdy Jack Valenti koordynował kampanię prezydencką Kennedy’ego-Johnsona w 1960 roku, w Teksasie.


Mathilde Krim – wspomnienia

Dr Mathilde Krim, przewodnicząca Fundacji amfAR

Elizabeth Taylor

Harvey Weinstein

„Państwo terroru. Jak terroryzm stworzył współczesny Izrael”, Thomas Suarez


pieśń „Remember the Liberty”

Słowa pieśni „Remember the Liberty”

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die

While desperate battle
Was raging nearby
Over an ancient land
The vessel’s crew members
Could never have dreamed
What others for them they had planned

For hours they came
The Israeli planes
Surveying the ship below
That this was the boat
Of their closest ally
Was impossible not to know

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die

The cold-blooded murder
Rained down from the sky
The cries for help purposely stilled
The brutes left no doubt
That the siege would go on
Till everyone had been killed

But somehow they broke through
The electronic gag
Our warplanes were on the way
But then came the greatest
Stab in the back:
They were called backed by LBJ

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die

Now too many people
Had learned of the crime
The killers were forced to stop short
And with a gaping torpedo
Hole in her side
The victim limped back to the port

What happened that day
Was a sinister scheme
That they’ve tried to this to hide
The men were the victims
Of a covert plot
With the code name of CYANIDE

Old Glory she flew
Over waters of blue
Under a cloudless sky
But foul treachery
Soon colored the sea
And many good men would die